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牛皮癣/Herb Pouch—Psoriasis
  • 牛皮癣/Herb Pouch—Psoriasis

    價格自 $149.00







    疗程:3袋药/疗程/ 15天/360 小时.


    主要成份:桂枝,白芍,麻黄,石膏,干姜, 乌梅,茯苓,厚朴,杏仁,文蛤等。


    注意事项: 不建议与它药同用。禁止口服,若有不适,迅速止用。


    规格贮藏:80克/袋,15x12厘米;4°C 密封保存,平衡室温后使用。




                          Herbal Pouch–Psoriasis


    Indications: Repeated inflammatory papules ,merge into red plaques, or pustules, with layers of white scales, shiny film, punctate hemorrhage, itching.


    Direction: Attach pouch to navel for 12-24 hours/day. 5 days/120 hours/pouch. Result is proportional to quantities and duration of  attachment, mix pouch often.


    Course:   3 pouches/15 days/360 hours


    Main Ingredients:Guizhi,  white peony, ephedra, gypsum, dried ginger, ebony, medlar, magnolia, almond, sea bream, etc.


    Warning:  Not recommended to use it with other medicine. External use only.

    If any discomfort arises, stop using it immediately.


    Size and Storage:80g/pouch, 6x4 inches, Store sealed at 4°C, use after balanced well in room temperature.



    产品码/Cat: WWBC-135,

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