穴位敷药-俏佳人/ Female Vitality Enhancer
适应症/功能: 少性无趣, 眼花目涩, 疲倦乏力, 面黄无泽。添髓补气, 强性益精, 久用面如童子,延年益寿。温肺补肝益肾健脾强心。*
用法用量:用腰带将药袋敷肚脐 12-24小时/每天。144小时/6天/袋。
疗程: 720 小时/30天/5 袋; 432 小时/18天/3袋(体验包装)
药效疗程:一般需要 3-10天体验到效果,15-30天得到大的改善。由于个体
注意事项: 仅供外敷使用,禁止口服。不建议与其它药物同时使用。如有任何
特殊不适,必须迅速停止使用。 药袋可能会散发中药气 味。
不良反应:少数个体局部皮肤可能会出现红疹和瘙痒, 可暂敷关元或肾俞穴;
主要成份: 五味子,巴戟,桂枝,党参,芍药,甘草,远志,女贞子。**
规格贮藏: 80克/药袋,药袋尺寸:14x12厘米;室温密封保存。
备 注: *本产品不打算诊断,治疗,治愈或预防任何疾病。
**没有经过美国食品和药品管理局验证, 如有变更,恕不通知。
Herb Pouch –Lady Vitality Enhancer
Indications: not enjoy sex due to dryn, painful, tired and weak, pale face.
Direction: Attach pouch to navel, or liver area for 12-24 hours/day, 144 hours/6 days/pouch. The result is proportional to using time.
Course: 720 hours/30 days/ 5 pouches; 432 hours/18 days/3 pouches (trial size).
Main Ingredients : Schisandra, Basil, Guizhi, Codonopsis, Peony, Licorice, Polygala, Ligustrum and others.
Warning: External use only. Not recommended to use it with other medicines. If discomfort occurs, stop it immediately.
Size and Storage 80g/pouch, 6x5.5 inches, Store sealed at 4°C, use after balanced for 4 hours in room temperature.