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穴位敷药-帝王丹/ Dream of Emperor
  • 穴位敷药-帝王丹/ Dream of Emperor

    價格自 $149.00


                         Chinese Herbal Pouch – Emperor’s Dream

    impotency, grow bigger and thicker, increase the sperm and bone marrow.*

    Attach to navel or right rib area for 12-24 hours daily, 5 days per pouch. 

    普通疗程:3 袋药/15 天/360 小时


    Course: 3 pouches/15 days/360 hours


    主要成份/Main Ingredients:
    柴胡,当归,党参,麦冬,川穹,干姜,  五味子,远志等。**
    Bupleurum, Angelica, Codonopsis, Radix, Ginger, Schisandra , Polygala.**

    药效疗程/Time Course:
    5-15天效验,  15-25天较大改善。因个体差异,效果体验不同。
    Effective in 5 days; there is greater improvement in 15-25 days . Individual responses may vary.

    禁止口服。若有痒疹, 敷小腹;如感不适, 迅速止用。勿与它药同用。
    External use only. If irritation occurs, attach on lower abdomen. If any discomfort arises, stop using immediately. Do not use it along with other medicine.

    规格贮藏/Size and Storage:  
    100克/袋,15x13厘米;4°C 冷藏密封保存,置室温12小时后使用。
    100g/pouch, 6x5.5 inches, Store sealed at 4°C, use after balanced in room temperature.  

    *   This product does not intend to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.
    ** The above statements have not been evaluated by FDA. No prior notice if ingredients change

    庫存單位: WCH099
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