穴位敷药:心绞痛/ Chest Pain, or Angina Pectoris
胸口紧缩,刺痛,憋闷, 诱因:劳累,激动、饱食、寒凉,突然用力。
使用方法:将药袋敷肚脐,或胸口檀中穴12-24 小时/天,可用144小时/6 天/袋。常混匀药袋.
疗程: 720 小时/30天/5 袋; 432 小时/18天/3袋(体验包装).
主要成份: 红参,三七·,桃仁,水蛭,菖蒲,山茱萸, 乌梅等。
注意事项: 禁止口服,不建议与它药同用,若有不适,迅速止用。
规格贮藏: 80克/袋,15x12厘米;4°C 密封保存,置室温4小时后使用。
Herbal Pouch for Angina Pectoris
Indications: Chest pain, tightening,or pain due to fatigue, agitation,, cold, etc. ..
Direction: Attach pouch to Tanzhong point of the chest, or navel for 12-24 hours daily, 144 hours/6 days/pouch.
Course: 720 hours/30 days/ 5 pouches; 432 hours/18 days/3 pouches (trial size).
Main Ingredients: Red ginseng, Panax notoginseng, peach kernel, leeches, calamus, dogwood, ebony.
Warning: External use only. Not recommended to use it with other medicines. If any discomfort arises, stop using it immediately.
Size and Storage:80g/pouch, 6x5.5 inches, Store sealed at 4°C, use after balanced for 4 hours in room temperature.