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穴位敷药-肾气盛 / Herbal Pouch of Vitalizing Kidney
  • 穴位敷药-肾气盛 / Herbal Pouch of Vitalizing Kidney

    價格自 $199.00




    白天尿频, 夜尿次数多, 尿不净,腰酸膝软,耳鸣口渴, 肢冷乏力,





    疗程: 720 小时/30天/5 袋; 432 小时/18天/3袋(体验包装).






    禁止口服,不建议与它药同用。若有痒疹, 敷小腹;如不适,迅速止用。


    规格贮藏/Size and Storage: 

    100克/袋,15x12厘米;4°C 冷藏密封保存,置室温2-4小时后使用。


    Herbal Pouch of Vitalizing Kidney


    Indications: nocturnal polyuria, urine dribbling, weak urine stream, thirst, ankle edema, tinnitus, hearing difficulty, proteinuria, frigid sex, forgetfulness.


    Direction: Attach pouch to navel for 12-24 hours/day. 144 hours/6 days/pouch. The result is proportional to quantities and duration of pouches applied,  mix the pouch often.


    Course: 720 hours/30 days/ 5 pouches; 432 hours/18 days/3 pouches (trial size).


    Main Ingredients: Dogwood, Alisma, Poria, Chinese yam, Cnidium, Polygala, Morinda officinalis, Eucommia,etc.


    Warning: External use  only, If any discomfort arises, stop it immediately,

    not recommended to use it with other medicines.


    Size and Storage:80g/pouch, 6x4 inches, Store sealed at 4°C, use after balanced well in room temperature



    本产品不打算诊断, 治疗或预防任何疾病, 未经美国食品和药品管理局验证,  成份若有变更,恕不通知。

    This product does not intend to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease, the above statements have not been evaluated by FDA. No prior notice if ingredients change.

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